Arlington Power Plant


Ames Construction partnered with Duke/Fluor Daniel on a fast-tracked project to construct the Arlington Valley Energy Facility, a conventional 580 MW combined-cycle natural gas power plant in a desert location west of Phoenix, Arizona.

Ames performed site preparation, constructed concrete foundations, and installed underground piping, all under an accelerated one-year schedule. The time frame was further challenged by the 9/11 crisis, when crews were evacuated because of the site’s proximity to local power sources and a nuclear power plant. When work resumed, the schedule demanded peak performance and quick, accurate communication with field crews.

For site preparation, the project scope included earthwork, installation of HDPE liner, construction of geosynthetic clay liner, culvert installations, catch basins, and concrete-lined channels.

For the concrete foundations, crews performed excavation and site grading to rough grade the foundation subgrade for more than 120 individual concrete foundations.

For the utilities, Ames crews installed underground piping and constructed underground electrical duct banks.

Markets: Industrial, Power

Location: Arlington, Arizona

Completion: December 2001


  • Structural concrete
  • Mass excavation
  • Underground utilities


  • 360,000 cubic yards of earthwork
  • 1.2 million square foot evaporation pond
  • 22,500 linear feet of underground carbon steel, stainless steel, and HDPE piping

2001 Tri-State Safety Award

100,000 hours without a lost-time incident